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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for Naghlu dam safety and hydromechanical works

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), Afghanistan's state owned power utility, seeks to appoint a consultancy to help prepare the dam safety and hydromechanical component of the Naghlu hydropower rehabilitation project including detailed design and bidding documents. Expressions of interest from eligible consulting firms are sought by 15 April.

The objective of the consulting services is to support DABS with upgrading the safety of the dam to modern international standards, improving the operational efficiency of the dam, including running it as part of a system of dams and improving all aspects of the project, except electromechanical equipment (which is being rehabilitated under a separate contract), to extend its operating life by about 20 years.

The Naghlu hydropower plant is the largest hydropower plant in Afghanistan and provides a large proportion of Kabul’s electricity. The plant has a rated capacity of 94 MW although only three of the four 23.5 MW units are currently operational. A gravity dam, which is about 100 m high and 280 m long, impounds a reservoir, with a storage capacity of 550 x 106 m3.

The consulting services, which are expected to last 18 months, will require the preparation in the first phase of a comprehensive diagnosis report, a hydrological safety evaluation, river channel routing, a dam seismic safety evaluation, dam instrumentation, operation and maintenance and emergency preparedness plans, a sediment management plan and, a method statement to rehabilitate the flushing system. In Phase II, based on the results of Phase I, the consultant will prepare a detailed design report, complete with drawings and cost estimates, two complete sets of bidding documents for hydromechanical equipment rehabilitation (including minor electrical, mechanical and civil works) and dam instrumentation (including drilling activities for their installation) as well as provide services during tendering. The services will need to meet national requirements, internationally accepted industry practices and World Bank requirements.

Further information on the scope of services is provided in the outline of the Terms of Reference under the assignment title “Consultancy Services for Dam Safety and Hydro mechanical Works” and reference number NPA/DABS/98/CS-2419/QCBS (AF-DABS-95594-CS-QCBS), which is available at

For further information, contact: Safiullah Alokozai, Head of Secretary (Bids/ Proposals Opening Committee), National Procurement Authority (NPA), AOP Pashtunestan Wat, Kabul, Afghanistan; Tel: + 93 (0)202147556; Email: (copy to;;;

Expressions of interest must be delivered in writing to the address above (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) by 15.00 hours local time on 15 April 2019.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators