Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for hydropower projects in Ethiopia

Expressions of interest are sought by 24 January to consult on the development of a series of hydro schemes.

Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), Ethiopia’s state-owned power utility, invites expressions of interest by 24 January from qualified consultants to assist with the development of a series of hydropower projects totalling 1887 MW.

The consulting services will entail the preparation of a feasibility study and environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for 564 MW Birbir Stage 1 and 2, an update of the ESIA and resettlement action plan (RAP) for the 371 MW Geba Stage 1 and 2 and preparation of IPP bidding documents for the 280 MW Chemoga Yeda 1 and 2, 246 MW Genale Dawa 6, and 426 MW Halele Werabessa 1 and 2 projects, as well as providing training and capacity building. The projects are to be developed under the Ethiopia Renewable Energy Programme I (EREP-I). According to the tender notice issued on 2 January, EEP has applied for grant financing for the consulting services from the Sustainable Energy Fund (SEFA), which is managed by the African Development Bank.

The main duties of the assignment are to: review and update the existing available prefeasibility, and ESIA studies of the Birbir 2 project, including upstream and downstream hydropower projects’ water inflow; carry out all the required site investigations and prepare the feasibility and ESIA studies; and, prepare the project schedule, cost estimate and determine the project’s feasibility. In addition, the contract will require the preparation of IPP bidding documents for the Chemoga Yeda, Genale Dawa 6, and Halele Werabessa projects. The main objective of these services is to increase the justification for the viability of the three prioritized PPP projects; enhance templates of standardized  contractual documents to address the  problem of predictability and transparency that have arisen in IPPs;  secure support for the principles of the proposed procurement framework  within the public sector,  in particular at the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MOWIE) and within EEP and, provide the necessary advisory support with the objective to close at least two deals by the end of the programme. The services will include but not necessarily be limited to the following: review and provide commentary report on existing feasibility level designs; ESIA and RAP studies to identify the feasibility of the prioritized PPP projects, share risks associated with each project, and propose mitigation measures; review existing PPP policies, legal and regulatory frameworks and assess their materiality towards PPP investments; review existing IPP bidding documents and assess their alignment with the existing PPP policies, legal and regulatory frameworks and any successfully internationally implemented IPP policies; develop three IPP bidding documents to improve the design and formulation of the three IPP projects based on findings from above reviews; and, conduct testing of the final standard documents, drafted in conjunction with  EEP counterparts, on at least two deals. The bidding will be conducted by EEP. The selected consulting firm will provide technical and procurement advice during the bidding process of the two pilot transactions. EREP-I will be implemented by EEP, which will host the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the project, in close collaboration with the MOWIE, MOF and EEA. Task managers from the AfDB and the SEFA Secretariat will oversee project implementation.

The consulting services will be carried out over a maximum period of 18 months. Expressions of interest must be delivered in writing to the address below in person, by mail or by email.

For further information, contact: Kefyalew Mergiya, Director, EEP Procurement, Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), K Kare Centere Mexico; Email:;


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators