Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Consultancy services sought for Angololo project

The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), on behalf of the Governments of the Republics of Uganda and Kenya, invite expressions of interest by 22 March from individual consultants to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as well as a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Compensation Framework (CF) for the Angololo Water Resources Development Project within the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi basin.

The separate contracts will  include establishment of a socio-environmental baseline, assessment of proposed development options, scoping; prediction of the magnitude and significance of environmental and social impacts, recommending mitigation measures for identified impacts, and devising how they can be incorporated into project design and implementation plans. The duration of both assignments is 4.5 person months spread over eight calendar months.

The Angololo Water Resources Development project will involve the construction of a 30 m-high composite rockfill/concrete gravity dam across the Malaba river in Kalait village, on the border of Uganda and Kenya, which will impound a reservoir with storage capacity of 43 x 106m3, as well as a 1.75 MW hydropower plant. The multipurpose dam is designed to store water for irrigation, livestock watering, water supply and hydropower generation.

Additional benefits include flood control, recreation and fisheries development, as well as restoration of the upstream watershed. This project will directly benefit more than 25 000 people, and indirect beneficiaries will be more than 400 000 people. The contracted services are to be financed from a grant from the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Fund (NEPAD-IPPF) managed by the African Development Bank. Preliminary identification studies and analytical work have been completed at the proposed dam site, and the Governments of bothKenya and Uganda have prioritized it for advancement.

Interested consultants are invited to submit CVs and relevant supporting documents by email to:

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For further information, contact:

Maro Andy Tola,

Acting Regional Coordinator,

NELSAP-CU, PO Box 6759

Kigali, Rwanda,

Tel: +250 788307334


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Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators