Bolivia seeks contractor for Miguillas civil works

Bids are sought for the construction of tunnel No. 5 of the plant in La Paz department by 11 April.

Empresa Electrica Corani, the hydropower generation arm of Bolivia’s state-owned power supplier Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (ENDE), has invited bids to advance development of the 203 MW Miguillas hydroelectric project.

Registration is open through 4 April. Ende has budgeted Bolivian Bolivianos BOB 239 million (US$ 34.7 million) for the tunnelling work, it said in a procurement notice posted on 11 February. Miguillas is scheduled to come online in 2024 and financial completion of the BOB 3.11 billion (US$ 451 million) project stood at 72.7 per cent in 2021, according to a 14 February report by BNamericas. The project, which is located in the Inquisivi province of the western department of La Paz, comprises a cascade of two hydropower plants, Umapalca with an installed capacity of 85 MW and Palillada with capacity of 118 MW, that will be sited downstream from the existing Miguillas, Angostura, Choquetanga and Carabuco plants on the Miguillas river basin that are owned and operated by the local IPP Compañía Boliviana de Energía Eléctrica (Cobee).

The powerhouses of the two plants in Umapalca and Palillada are located at, respectively, els. 2004 and 1213 m. The project was financed with the support of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB).

Interested bidders can either register on the website:, or email a letter of request (signed and scanned) to, detailing the Number and Name of the Public Call, Business Name, NIT and Email address.