Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids sought to raise Mindu dam and spillway in Morogoro, Tanzania

The Morogoro Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA) in the United Republic of Tanzania invites prequalification bids by 12 May from qualified contractors to assist with the raising of the Mindu dam, the most important water supply source for domestic, commercial and industrial uses in the city and region of Morogoro in the eastern part of the East African country. 

MORUWASA intends to initially select a maximum of six firms for the Detailed Design of the Mindu dam raising and associated works, the raising of the dam spillway and embankment by 2.5 m and construction of the associated works and installation of appropriate dam safety monitoring devices. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made on 11 June, 2023.

The contracted work is to be funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), which provided a €70 million concessional loan in May 2020 to improve water supply and sanitation for the residents of Morogoro municipality. In Morogoro, about 70 per cent of the population is connected to the drinking water network with an average of about 10 hours of water distribution per day, and less than 5 per cent is connected to the sewerage network. The programme’s ultimate goal is to improve inhabitants’ living conditions, the environment, as well as the city’s economic development through the extension and renovation of drinking water and sanitation services. The programme aims to ensure sustainable access to quality water to 90 per cent of the population by 2025 and reduce water losses by 10 per cent through the tripling of the drinking water production capacity of the existing Mafiga water treatment plant and the renovation and extension of storage and distribution network infrastructures, as well as guarantee the sustainability of water resources, including through the raising of the Mindu dam, which provides 70 per cent of the water consumed in the city.

A complete set of the Initial Selection Document in English may be purchased on the submission of a written application to the address below; and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of TZS 200,000 or €100 by direct payment to the account of the Morogoro Water Authority at the Morogoro Wami Branch of the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), with the following account numbers: 22110084800 for Euro payments and 22110084789 for payments in Tanzania Shillings. Applications for initial selection should be submitted in sealed and clearly marked envelopes to the Secretary of the Tender Board, Morogoro Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA), 30 Barabara ya Mazimbu 67105 Uwanja Wa Sabasaba, P.O. Box 5476, Morogoro, Tanzania; E-mail:, Cc., Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from Jonas Mpita, Office of the Procurement Management Unit, MORUWASA, 30 Barabara ya Mazimbu 67105 Uwanja wa Sabasaba, P.O. Box 5476, Morogoro, Tanzania; Tel.: +255 23 2934277/769 232 426/261 4182;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators