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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids sought to modernize turbine regulators at Miksova in Slovakia

The contracted works, which are budgeted to cost €212 693 (excluding VAT) will entail the replacement of the existing turbine controllers TG1, TG2 and TG3 with new digital controllers, including switchboards and related work performance and engineering activities, according to a tender notice published on the EU’s procurement website on 10 December.

Slovenske Elektrarne, Slovakia’s dominant power producer, invites bids by 18 January 2022 for the modernization of the turbine regulators for all three units of the 93.6 MW Miksova hydropower plant on the river Vah.

Reconstruction of the turbine controllers will restore the accuracy and quality of control of production, according to Slovenske Elektrarne, as well as enhance the stability of the power grid in accordance with the technical requirements and conditions of the transmission system operator. The high head diversion station, which is the second largest hydropower plant in Slovakia, was commissioned in 1963. It is equipped with three Kaplan turbines with a design production of 186.5 GWh per year.

The procurement documents for tender reference 2021/09432 are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via:

Additional information can be obtained from: Slovenské elektrárne, Mlynské nivy 47, SK010 Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava 82109, Slovakia; Contact person: Stanislava Jurkasová, Tel: +421 335972492; Email:;

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Ganz Hydrogenerators