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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids sought for rehabilitation of Toktogul gate and hydraulic steel structure

Kyrgyzstan invites bids by 14 December to rehabilitate the Toktogul hydro scheme.

Kyrgyzstan’s state power producer Electric Power Plants (EPP) invites bids by 14 December for the rehabilitation of the gate and hydraulic steel structure of the 1200 MW Toktogul hydropower scheme on the river Naryn in the western province of Jalal-Abad.

Bids are sought for design, supply, installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning services to be carried out on a turnkey basis and to be completed by November 2023. It is the second tender issued for the rehabilitation of the gate and hydraulic steel structure. EPP previously sought bids last September (see H&D Issue 4, 2017).

Financing has been received from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) toward the cost of the contract under the Toktogul Rehabilitation Phase 2 Project.

International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s ‘Single Stage, One-Envelope’ bidding procedure and is open to all bidders without nationality restrictions. Bidders should have participated in at least two contracts that have been successfully or substantially completed within the past five years and that are similar to the proposed contract, where the value of the bidder’s participation for each of the contracts exceeds US$ 9.6 million. Interested bidders should refer to the tender document for complete eligibility and qualification requirements.

Bidding documents in English for Package No. 1: Toktogul Gate and Hydraulic Steel Structure Rehabilitation (Design, Supply, Installation, Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Works and Services) are available upon written request to the address below and payment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 200.

For further information and to inspect the tender documents, contact: Isak Khudayberdiev, Head of PIU of Rehabilitation of Toktogul HPP, Electric Power Plants, 326 Jibek Jolu Avenue (office 422), 720070 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; Tel/Fax: +996 312 66 20 54; +996 312 62 17 03; Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators