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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids sought for rehabilitation of Daourat hydropower plant, Morocco

Morocco’s state power and water utility, Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable - Branche Electricite (ONEE-BE), invites sealed bids from qualified contractors by 16 January 2019 for the rehabilitation of valves and ancillary works for the 17 MW Daourat storage hydropower plant on the river Oum Er-Rbia in the north-central region of Chaouia-Ouardigha.

The Daourat plant, which is equipped with two 8.5 MW turbines, was commissioned in 1950. The contracted work, which includes the cleaning and maintenance of the valves, disassembly and replacement of seals and self-lubricating bushings, repair of rollers as well as the study of underwater fixed parts and raceways, reloading and necessary adaptation of civil engineering and metal parts, is to be financed from a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The EBRD agreed in November 2015 to provide a sovereign-guaranteed loan of up to €35 million to finance the ONEE Hydro Rehabilitation Project. The project is designed to extend the lifespan of its hydropower plants and enhance their production and efficiency as well as improve safety and climate resilience at various dams.

Bidding documents may be obtained free of cost directly from the Direction Approvisionnements et Marchés, 65 Rue Othman Ben Affane, Casablanca, Morocco; by downloading them through or ONEE-BE’s website section ‘fournisseurs’ or by e-mail upon written request to fax number: +212 522 43 31 12. All tenders must be accompanied by a bid security of Moroccan Dirham 100 000.

For further information concerning tender N° SP4101164 contact: Bouchra Abderrahim, Manager of the Technical Division, and/or Ahmed Fathi, Director of the Direction Approvisionnements et Marches, l’Office National de l’Electricité et l’Eau Potable -Branche Electricité, 71 BD My Slimane Roche Noires, Casablanca; Tel.: +212 522 66 82 19; Fax: +212 5 22 66 83 89;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators