Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids sought for construction of the Djenné mini hydro plant in Mali

The project is to be installed at an existing irrigation dam in the town of Djenné, which is located on an island between two arms of the river Bani, a tributary of the river Niger.

The Ministry of Energy and Water of the Republic of Mali, through the state power utility Energie du Mali (EDM-SA), invites sealed bids by 15 July for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the 7.5 MW Djenné mini hydropower plant in the central-southern region of Mopti.

It is designed to supply 5200 local households through the generation of average annual output of 17.75 GWh, and save an estimated 11 900 tCO2 per year compared with diesel-fired gensets. Its construction is to be financed by the African Development Bank and the EU’s Africa Investment Facility under the Project for the development of mini hydropower plants and associated distribution grids (Projet de Développement de mini centrales hydroélectriques et réseaux de distribution associés, PDM-HYDRO).

The Djenné is one of two run-of-river plants, with a combined capacity of 8.9 MW and annual output of 23.7 GWh, that are to be developed initially under the programme to increase the supply of renewable electricity and improve access to electricity for a total of 12 500 households. The 1.4 MW Talo project is to be built in the region of Ségou. The construction of the two plants as well as the associated distribution networks, project management and capacity building are expected to cost a total of around €48.8 million and are scheduled to be completed by 2022. A further four micro hydropower plants are planned to be built later under the programme.

Tender dossiers are available upon written request to the below-mentioned address with proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of FCFA 100 000. Bids must be submitted to the address below no later than 15 July 2020 at 11.00 hrs Bamako Time (GMT), and be accompanied by a bid guarantee of an amount equal to FCFA 300 million. Tenders must be valid for a period of 120 days following the deadline for submission of tenders. The tender notice can be viewed on the AfDB’s website at:

For further information, contact: Tountou Ballo, Project Coordinator, Unité de Gestion du PDM-HYDRO, Société Energie du Mali, ACI 2000, Rue 332 en face du Centre des Informations Gouvernementales (CIGMA), Bamako; Tel: +223 66 75 36 65; Email:;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators