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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bids invited for civil/hydraulic steel works for Sebzor HPP in Tajikistan

Private power supplier Pamir Energy has launched an international open tender for the construction of the Sebzor hydro plant in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) in eastern Tajikistan. Prequalification applications are invited by 26 February from qualified and experienced contractors to implement the civil works and hydraulic steel works for the 11 MW Sebzor run-of-river scheme on the Shokhdara river in the Roshtqala districts of Viloyati Mukhtori Kuhistoni Badakhshon. The project, which is about 20 km southeast of the regional centre of Khorong, will consist of a 3.1 km-long GRP penstock, surge shafts and steel penstocks feeding into a powerhouse to be equipped with three vertical Francis generating units with an installed capacity of about 3 x 3.7 MW and a 110 kV/ 35 kV switchyard. The plant is designed to generate average annual output of about 94.5 GWh based on a net head of about 120 m and a design discharge of 10.5 m³/s.

Pamir Energy, the Project Executing Agency (PEA), foresees to realise the project on a split contract basis with separate contracts for the civil and hydraulic steel works and the electrical and mechanical works. The civil/hydraulic steel works will be guided by the FIDIC RED/PINK book.

The contract for the civil and hydraulic steel works, which will be financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through KFW Development Bank, will include:

(i) engineering, detailed design and construction drawings of civil engineering works and geological investigation works;

(ii) river diversion;

(iii) roads and landscaping works;

(iv) site Installations;

(v) weir (Spillway);

(vi) intake structure, flushing sluices;

(vii) Fish Bypass;

(viii) headrace, penstocks and surge tank arrangements (construction of a tunnel might be also required);

(ix) powerhouse;

(x) tailrace channel;

(xi) access bridges;

(xii) co-ordination with electrical and mechanical works contractor.

All activities must follow international safety and environmental standards. The prequalification process is subject to the regulations contained in the “Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods and Non- Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries” ( ) .The contract will be awarded to an independent qualified contractor or joint venture with proven financial capability and experience in the hydropower sector and in the region.

Companies willing to participate in the prequalification procedure should contact Pamir Energy Company to declare their interest.

Detailed notes for prequalification of contractors are available from:

Parviz Mamadziyoev, Pamir Energy Company;


Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators