Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bidding extended for 300 MW Balakot project in Pakistan

Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) has extended the deadline for bidding for the construction and completion of the design, supply and installation, testing and commissioning of the 300 MW Balakot run-of-river hydropower plant on the river Kunhar in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of Pakistan including the related civil works for river diversion.

Sealed bids are requested from eligible bidders by 15 June 2020, according to a tender notice issued on 3 April.

The project, which is to be co-financed by the Asian Development Bank and developed by PEDO, will include: construction of a 58 m-high gravity concrete dam and related appurtenant structures; river diversion works and sediment by-pass tunnel; power circuit, including power intake, concrete lined headrace tunnel, upstream surge shaft, steel lined pressure shaft and penstocks, downstream surge shaft, and concrete-lined tailrace tunnel; cavern type powerhouse for three Francis turbines with 300 MW installed capacity, including access tunnels and exterior switch yard; transmission and interconnection of a 500 kV line and a 132 kV line; access roads to the hydropower scheme; and, a permanent colony for the operational staff. Construction works are expected to take 75 months.

Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s single-stage, two-envelope bidding procedure and is open to all eligible bidders as described in the bidding document. The full revised tender notice can be viewed on the website of the ADB at the following address:

To purchase the bidding documents, eligible bidders should submit a written request to the below-mentioned address with confirmation of the payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 10 000 (10 000 Rupees only) in the name of “GM (Hydel), PEDO” through a cross cheque/pay order.

The bid should be submitted to the address below with a bid security as described in the bidding document on or before 15 June 2020 at 14:00 hours (Pakistan Standard Time); electronic submission of bids is not allowed.

To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents for 49055-PAK: Balakot Hydropower Project, contact: Project Director, Balakot Hydropower Project, PEDO, 107-PEDO House, Plot No 38-B/2, Phase-V Hayatabad, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan; Tel: +92 91 9217463; Fax: +92 91 9217464; Email:, copied to



Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators