Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Bhutan seeks technical advisory services for Dorjilung hydropower project

Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), Bhutan's state-controlled hydropower plant operator and developer, invites expressions of interest by 18 March from qualified international consultant firms to provide technical advisory services for the update of the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the Dorjilung hydroproject. The consultant will be required to ensure that the updated DPR is bankable and according to international standards and best practice, and also complying with the Bhutanese Guidelines for Development of Hydropower Projects (2018).

It will be carried out in partnership with a team of staff from DGPC and the Department of Hydropower and Power Systems (DHPS) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The contract will be financed by grant funds from the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity Trust Fund, which are administered by the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). According to the original DPR based on detailed design studies carried out by DGPC in 2013, the 1125 MW run-of-river project in Lhuentse district in northeastern Bhutan is designed with a 136.5 m-high gravity dam that will impound a reservoir with a gross storage of around 44 x 106 m3, as well as a headrace tunnel spanning approximately 15 km. The project is planned on the river Kurichhu, a major tributary of the Drangmechhu river basin that flows into India, upstream of the existing Kurichhu hydro plant.

The scope of work is mentioned in the abridged Terms of Reference which can be found at, provided for information only. The final Terms of Reference for the assignment will be provided to the shortlisted consultants.

Expressions of interest in English must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail or by e-mail) by 3.00 PM (Bhutan Standard Time), on 18 March.

For further information concerning assignment Reference No: BT-DGPCL-236241-CS-QCBS, contact: Sonam Wangdi, Director

Contracts and Procurement Dept
Druk Green Power Corp
Post Box 1351
Tel: +975 2 330979;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators