Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

… as DoE awards supply contracts for six more

Meanwhile, the Philippines’ Depart­ment of Energy (DoE) has awarded 20-year power supply agreements (PSAs) to local developers for six hydro plants totalling 99 MW to augment clean power supply under the Green Energy Auction Pro­g­­ramme (GEAP).

A total capacity of around 2 GW of mostly solar and wind was awarded in the latest auction, the results of which were announced on 24 June.

The 60 MW Kapangan project, being developed by the Cordillera Hydro­­­electric Power Corporation and the 20 MW Sablan 1 scheme of Hedcor of the Aboitiz group, were awarded supply contracts for Luzon. Guangxi Hydro­electric Construction Bureau (GHCB), a subsidiary of CEEC, China, is building the Kapan­gan project on the river Amburayan, in the province of Benguet. The US$ 100 million run-of-river scheme is expected to be commissioned next year.

The 3.7 MW Malitbog and 3.7 MW Silo-O projects of Philnew River Power Corporation, as well as the 4.85 MW Mat-I and 6.9 MW Clarin projects of Philnew Hydro Power Corporation, were also awarded PSAs for delivery of power to the grid in Mindanao.

Generation from the plants will be channelled through the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) and the payments to developers will be undertaken by the National Trans­mission Corporation. The renewable energy capacity will be made available to the distribution utilities to comply with the Renewable Port­folio Standards (RPS) of the Renewable Energy Law, which requires the Distribution Utilities to source a certain percentage of their supply portfolio from green energy technologies.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators