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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

APGCL seeks technical assistance for hydropower capacity building

Assam Power Generation Corporation (APGCL), which serves India's northeastern state of Assam, invites expressions of interest by 21 November from qualified international consultant to provide Technical Assistance for Capacity Building on Hydropower Projects under the Assam Power Sector Investment Programme, which is financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The aim of the assignment is to supplement the training provided by consultants and contractors of the Lower Kopili Hydro Electric Project (LKHEP), and to generally enhance the capacity of its staff to operate and maintain the utility’s other hydroelectric and thermal power plants. APGCL therefore intends to recruit consultants to provide training to a larger group of power plant operation and maintenance staff and others to ensure sustainable management of LKHEP, which is being built with financing from the ADB, and other power plants and associated facilities. APGCL seeks to recruit a headworks management specialist/civil engineer and team leader, a hydrology and reservoir operations management specialist, an electro-mechanical equipment specialist and a communications specialist. The assignment, which will be based in Guwahati, is expected to take up to 15 months.

Shortlisting is expected to take place on 1 December 2022, with the assignment to start in April 2023.

For further information concerning NIT No: APGCL/PD/LKHEP/Capacity Building/01 of 2022-23, contact: Mridul Saikia, Project Officer, Lower Kopili Hydro Electric Project, Assam Power Generation Corporation, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-01, Assam.


Further information can be found on ADB’s consultant management system at

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators