Join the Supplier Guide

The Supplier Guide is the definitive source of information on products and services serving the global hydropower and dams industries.

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Used by thousands of hydro industry professionals every year.

World Atlas


Featuring more than 1,200 companies and organisations, active in over 180 countries.

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Profile Your Company

Include full information about your company, its products and services and ensure it features first in product searches.

The Supplier Guide offers us the opportunity to put our business in front of a highly relevant audience with great flexibility to make our profile our own.

Reach International Hydropower Project Teams

With over 96,000 visitors each year from the global hydro industry, this is a key business development and branding opportunity, a chance to set your company apart from its competitors and appear on more project shortlists. Your Company Profile would include:

  • Priority positioning in search results
  • Branded profile with your logo and supporting images
  • Optional video
  • Up to 6 featured product/services with their own web links
  • Up to 3 featured news items or upcoming events
  • Multiple contact cards, with phone, email and web links

Example Supplier Guide profile shown on a laptop

List your company

List Your Company

Submit your free listing request and we'll be in touch to confirm the information that should appear as part of your organisation profile.

The details you provide here will only be used for contacting you about including your organisation in our Supplier Guide. You can learn more in our Privacy Policy

Supplier Guide FAQs

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about listing your company in the guide.

Does it cost to join the Supplier Guide with a Company Profile?

It costs just €1,750 for 12 months online to include uploading a full multi-media profile of your company with multiple web links to your chosen product, service and other company or partner web pages. The price includes any copy changes, extra uploads, or other editing required throughout the year. You can also have a standard profile free of charge and you can contact our Sales & Marketing Team for more information.

What information is required for my Company Profile?

You can find the full details about both the required and optional information that makes up a company profile HERE. However, if you have any queries please get in touch and we can help guide you through the process of getting started.

How can I edit my Company Profile?

Email or call our Sales & Marketing team about the changes required, and your Company Profile should be updated within 48 hours. E-mail or call +44 (0)20 8773 7244

Still have questions?

We’ll be happy to help answer any other questions you might have about being part of the Supplier Guide. Just get in touch.
