The Foundation’s principal function is to facilitate delegates (water and energy professionals, young engineers and students) from the less developed countries to attend the annual international and regional hydropower conferences organized by Aqua-Media, which are acknowledged as the most international gatherings of hydropower experts. The Foundation thus primarily takes the form of a grant-giver.
The Foundation also contributes to the distribution costs of publications of value to the power and water sectors of the less developed countries. Complimentary copies of The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, and the H&D World Atlas & Industry Guide are sent to readers in the less developed countries of Africa, Asia and Central America. The Foundation partially supports this distribution to African countries in particular.
Other initiatives relating to education and training that would benefit less developed countries are considered by the Trustees of the Foundation for support.
The Foundation recognizes that major hydropower potential exists in the less developed countries, where there is the most pressing need for water and energy schemes. Many large-scale construction programmes are moving ahead throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is essential that representatives of these countries are able to join the international hydropower community, and stay informed about the state of the art in technology, dam and powerplant safety, planning tools, financing models, and environmental and social aspects.
Delegates who, in the opinion of the Trustees, are likely to gain valuable knowledge and experience to take back to their home countries, and who have some influence in their countries’ hydro and water resources development, are considered for sponsorship.